Here are the materials that we reviewed and found useful to prepare this commentary on the Rise of the Asian Consumer.
The Squeezed Middle Class in OECD and Emerging Countries: Myths and Realities, 2016
McKinsey & Co.: Meet the 2020 Chinese Consumer, Yuval Atsmon et al., McKinsey & Company, 2012
Credit Suisse: Emerging Consumer Survey 2018, Research Institute, Credit Suisse
Credit Suisse: India Ranks First in Emerging Consumer Survey 2017
The Multi-Decade Asian Consumer, Joohee An, Mirae Asset Global Investments, 2017
Abacus: Winning Through the Power of Law, 2018
Special Solari Report: Seeking U.S.-China Balance with Stephen Roach, 2014
3rd Quarter 2015 Wrap Up: The Chinese Stock Market
Food for the Soul: Wolf Warrior 2, 2015
Book Review: The South China Sea: The Struggle for Power in Asia by Bill Hayton
Book Review: What Chinese Want: Culture, Communism, and China’s Modern Consumer by Tom Doctoroff
Book Review: The Accidental Super Power: The Next Generation of American Preeminence and the Coming Global Disorder by Peter Zeihan
Book Review: Asia’s Space Race: National Motivations, Regional Rivalries, and International Risks by James Clay Moltz
Book Review: China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine by Rosemary Gibson and Janardan Prasad Singh
Guanxi (The Art of Relationships): Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates’s Plan to Win the Road Ahead by Robert Buderi and Gregory T. Huang
500 Years of GDP: A Tale of Two Countries, Wendell Cox, NewGeography.com, 2015
Navigating China’s Rise, Wing Thye Woo, Brookings Global Economy and Development, 2016
The Uprising Global Middle Class,
The Rise of the Asian Consumer, Michael Schuman, U.S. News & World Report, 2018
- China Consumers and the Digital Economy, BCG, 2018
- What China Reveals About the Future of Shopping, Chris Biggs et al., BCG, 2017
- Five Profiles that Explain China’s Consumer Economy, Jeff Walters et al., BCG, 2017
Consumption in China: Ten Trends for the Next 10 Years, Bruno Lannes et al., Bain & Company, 2018
McKinsey: The “Chinese Consumer” No Longer Exists. Here’s Why, Jenny W. Hsu, Alizila, 2017
The Economist:
- How the West Got China Wrong: It bet that China would head towards democracy and the market economy. The gamble has failed., 2018
- Why Many Rich Chinese Don’t Live in China, 2018
- New Rail Routes Between China and Europe Will Change Trade Patterns, 2017
- India’s Missing Middle Class, 2018
- The Great Race, 2016
- The Retreat of the Global Company
- Does China’s Police State Have Echos in the West?
Asia’s Weapons of Mass Consumption, Deloitte Insights, 2017
Credit Suisse: The Chinese Consumer in 2017: The Lifestyle Upgrade
Yao Chen – Chinese Blogger with 80MM Followers
A Well-Kept Open Secret: Washington Is Behind India’s Brutal Experiment of Abolishing Cash
2008: China is Top Holder of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae
China Exceeds US in Healthy Life Span for the First Time, Says WHO
Statista: The Asian Middle Class on the Rise
Statista: Forecast of the Global Middle Class Population from 2015 to 2030, by Region (in Millions)
Wikipedia: Non-Resident Indians
US Treasury: Securities (c): Annual Cross-U.S. Border Portfolio Holdings
Sir James Goldsmith: Globalization Warning, 2004
Hans Rosling: Asia’s Rise – How and When, TED, 2009
Martin Jacques: Understanding the Rise of China, TED, 2011
Bend Schmitt: The Century of the Asian Consumer, 2013
Who Is the Asia Pacific Consumer?, Nielson, 2014
Death by China (Movie by Peter Navarrow)
China’s Millionaire Migration, 2016
The Rise of the Asian Billionaire, CGTN, 2017
Alibaba’s Hema Supermarket Is Changing China’s Retail Game, 2017
China’s Trillion Dollar Plan to Dominate Global Trade, Vox, 2018
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