A TED Talk by Martin Jacques is in the bibliography. Here is an important quote from it that is worth pondering:
The West thinks of itself as probably the most cosmopolitan of all cultures, but it’s not. In many ways, it is the most parochial. For 200 years the West has been so dominant in the world that it has not really needed to understand other cultures and other civilizations. Because at the end of the day, it could, if necessary by force, get its own way. Whereas those cultures—virtually the rest of the world, in fact, which have been in a far weaker position, vis-à-vis the West—have been forced to understand the West because of the West’s presence in those societies. Therefore, they are as a result more cosmopolitan in many ways than the West.
Take the question of East Asia—Japan, Korea, and China. A third of the world’s population lives there, now the largest economic region of the world. East Asians are far more knowledgeable about the West than the West is about East Asia.
Now this point is very germane to the present. What is happening is that, very rapidly in historical terms, the world is being driven and shaped not by the old developed countries, but by the developing world. There are two consequences of this: First, the West is rapidly losing its influence in the world. The second implication is that the world will inevitably, as a consequence, become increasingly unfamiliar to us. It will be shaped by cultures and experiences and histories that we are not really familiar and conversant with.
What should our attitude be towards this world that we see rapidly developing before us? There will be good things about it and there will be bad things about it. I want to argue, above all, a big-picture positive for this world.
For 200 years, the world was essentially governed by a fragment of the human population. That’s what Europe and North America represented. The arrival of countries like China and India—between them 38% of the world’s population—and others like Indonesia and Brazil and so on, represents the most important single act of democratization in the last 200 years. Civilizations and cultures which had no voice, which were not listened to, which we did not know about, will have a different sort of representation in this world, and we will have to learn about these civilizations.
Here is one of my favorite quotes from Michael Ventura, an essayist from Texas. It relates to what happens when you connect this many people who are Internet-connected, cloud-connected, phone-connected, and media-connected, whether West to East or East to West:
Is this the collective thrust of our history—a genetic demand? Individually the contemporary environment seems to be thrust upon us, but collectively we have made this world. Both individually and collectively we are equally welcome to each separate manifestation that has created this collective change—radio, television, telephones, light bulb, flight. All the building blocks of contemporary life have been seized upon everywhere in the world.
It’s not enough to blame this on capitalism or consumerism. The very eagerness of the world’s embrace of this hallucinogenic technology by the most different sorts of people is evidence of the deepest of longings, for the human psyche is one of the great forces of nature. What is most frightening about this space-time technology is that it exposes us to this force within us as nothing else ever has.
We are standing in the storm of our own being. Spacelessness and timelessness are not objective realities out there somewhere; they are creations of our psyche. So we must face the fact that this may be our natural habitat.
We have willy-nilly broken through all of the old rigidities, all of the limits that we thought were nature itself, and we can never go back. This is a new nature. Dream has become reality. Through that fact echoes what may yet be the great line of our culture: In dreams begins responsibility.
One of Ventura’s comments in a related essay is, “We are standing in a storm of our own being—the psychic storm of our own being.”
This poses a very important question—one that Dr. Farrell has talked a lot about in our News Trends & Stories sections of this and prior Wrap Ups. It’s the importance of nurturing the culture we want to have. Are you supporting the daily habits and community as well as arts and music that you would like to have?
Consider two more quotes from Samuel Huntington:
In the emerging world of ethnic conflict and civilization, Western belief in the universality of Western culture suffers three problems: It is false, it is immoral, and it is dangerous.
A multicultural world is unavoidable because global empire is impossible.
If global empire was Plan A, it has clearly failed. Huntington continues:
The preservation of the United States and the West requires the renewal of Western identity. The security of the world requires acceptance of global multiculturality.
That is the challenge: How do we nurture and grow Western culture, and at the same time be accepting and capable of working with and interacting with a multicultural and a multipolar world?
In 12 years the number of Asian middle-class consumers is projected almost to triple from 2015. We are sharing our psychic storm with a pea soup of multiculturalism. Internet commerce and media are bringing cultures into much more intimate connection. President Trump has 53 million Twitter followers. There is a Chinese microblogger, an actress named Yuan Chen—there is an article about her in the bibliography—she has 80 million followers. A young Chinese actress has 30 million more followers than the current President of the United States.
One important issue that I want to think about and study, that is evolving as we speak, is that China and Asia in many respects have rejected the Western model. A great deal has happened in the last 20 years that has inspired Asia to think, “The West and the way that the West is doing things is not working.”
One reason for this is that the No. 1 problem in the United States has become mind control. I shouldn’t even say “has become” because I think that it has been that way for a long time. America is heavily dependent on mind control to manage “democracy” and “markets.” The consequences are increasingly negative. As Bill Moyers once said, “Once we decide that anything goes, anything can come home to haunt us.”
The Solari Report will publish a series of interviews and reviews on mind control during the 3rd Quarter. Truthstream Media has just come out with a new documentary called The Minds of Men that reviews the history of mind control in the United States from the end of World War II into the 1970s. Dr. Joseph Farrell will join us to discuss his new book Microcosm and Medium: The Cosmic Implications and Agenda of Mind Control Technologies. His is the best book yet on mind control and its larger implications. It also aligns with what you have been learning about the power of our minds and intentions from Ulrike Granögger in our Future Science Series.
The United States is literally losing its mind. It’s not an accident. Mind control, entrainment, and subliminal programming have a great deal to do with the loss. It is safe to assume that as Western media and entertainment spreads, mind control is happening elsewhere.
As I talk with people—either Chinese immigrants, or Chinese who have grown up in America but have strong family ties with relatives in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the mainland, or immigrants from India—I hear about a global development in the younger generations of a culture that I would call hypermaterialism. I give credit to Thomas Meyer for defining that term.
Hypermaterialists are people who literally do not know that spiritual realms exist. They don’t understand the importance of values, the reality of karma, and the power of culture. Everything comes down to time and dollars and cents; only the concrete is real. Hypermaterialists are oblivious to morphogenic fields—they don’t know that they exist. They are trained to resonate with their cell phones and other machines, but neither with living things nor with divine intelligence.
Hypermaterialism in combination with developments in transhumanism are frightening because we now have a new fashion promoted by the leadership that humans are machines, and our minds are just computers; they are just software and can be manipulated like software. This paradigm is how America got into mind control.
Now hypermaterialists want to take one step further and assume that our bodies are just hardware. Our bodies can be manipulated, changed, and reengineered just like a machine. The notion is absurd, and it can only happen when people have fallen into the mental trap of hypermaterialism.
These two trends—transhumanism and hypermaterialism—when combined with mind control, could destroy human culture and the entire human race.
Let’s pray that whatever the Asians and Asian consumers do, that they remain prohuman and don’t fall into the trap of hypermaterialism and get captured by the transhumanism crowd.
The bottom line is that when we consider culture, there are a significant number of people with different traditions, different histories, and different languages who are going to enter into our morphogenic field. This cultural convergence is happening while invisible leadership is promoting very negative interference. The result is a mind-expanding experience.
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